Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Purpose of the Unemployed Theologian Blog

The purpose of the Unemployed Theologian, like most blogs, is to share the thoughts of her author. However, I want the Unemployed Theologian to be something more than just an assortment of thoughts or the day’s musing. And so, while the odd musing or casual reflection may appear from time to time, there are several categories that posts will – for the most part – fit. These categories are mostly about keeping me on track and intentional with each post that I write, but I also hope they will help alert any readers to the nature of a post as well as make surfing the archive easier (supposing there is a time that I have both readers and an archive!).

There are four categories as follows:

Investigations – Investigations will probably be the lengthiest and most thought out/researched pieces I put up. They will likely consist of several parts (and even sub-parts) posted over a period of time. In some ways, they contain a combination of each of the other categories as they get fleshed out. Think of them as a philosophical or theological treatise, with an exposition and statement of the inquiry, some background, then the formulation a claim which will be expounded. I hope that over time these will make up the bulk of what is posted here.

Disputations – Disputations will probably be the second lengthiest pieces, also probably consisting of multiple parts. These will take a particular issue, raise one or multiple questions about it, and attempt to carry out arguments from all sides before finally arriving at a conclusion.

Explorations – An exploration will explore a topic by raising some questions reflecting upon it, but it may not necessarily reach a definitive conclusion. There are times when an exploration could extend into multiple parts, but there should also be a good number that are self-contained. Think of them as glorified musings.

Expositions – An exposition will present and explain a topic, for instance how Aristotle understood causality. These should be self-contained pieces that define and explain a concept without making a claim one way or the other (although some evaluation may be offered).

Apart from these four major categories, there will be miscellaneous postings of all kinds – I’m sure.

May the Holy Spirit bless this endeavor with fruitfulness.
St. Thomas Aquinas, intercede for us!


1 comment:

  1. PRAYER OF SAINT AUGUSTINE Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
    that my thoughts may all be holy.

    Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
    that my work, too, may be holy.

    Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
    that I love but what is holy.

    Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
    to defend all that is holy.

    Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
    that I always may be holy. Amen
